welcome take off your shoes and grab a cup

Friday, January 28, 2011

the worst feeling in the world.

Dear Unknown,

"sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me".

can i say that this quote is pure bullsh!t? no other feeling in this entire world that will make you feel as sh!tty as words as sharp as a slap. Have you ever hear of the quote "never judge a book by its cover"? I hope you have because that's one of the first things I've learned as soon as i was conceived. I really hope that you see me for who i am for real and not as someone who you "think" i am. Because the thing you've got going on right now isn't healthy for me in fact anyone in the whole world especially yourself. Don't try to act as if your all "innocent" you hear? But you know what? I'm gonna be the "bigger person" right now.. regardless of what sh!t you say about me because why? because I'm not like you. I don't judge, especially someone I barely know.

Thank you,

Matthew 7:3-5

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well first off, I didn't even know I had a blog in the first place!
Until I came across to one of my friends blog and commented and discovered this.
Well it states that I have been blogging since 2010 July..... Oh my goodness such a joke.
So I'm going to start now, I apologize if i seem iffy but bare with me:)

Greetings and Salutations bloggerians!
My name is Lisa, I am currently in college and this is going to be a blog about I guess anything that really strikes me. I love feedback and listening so anything that's on your mind, feel free to comment and tell me wassap!
